CSD Credit Union is committed to protecting the privacy of our members. In general, you can visit us on the World Wide Web without disclosing to us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. There are several areas, however, that will collect certain information about you and we want you to know how we handle that information.
If you visit our website (www.csdcu.org), CSD Credit Union collects and stores information on the domain you use to access our website, the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to the site, and the date and time of your visit.
If you visit a secure site, such as online banking, you will be asked for personal identification numbers which will give you access to the member only section of our website. This information enables CSD Credit Union to regulate entry to the member only portions of our website and to measure member usage. Any identifying information gathered is not sold to third parties.
If you send an e-mail, CSD Credit Union may collect and store personally-identifying information in order to process your e-mail, form or application. This information is not sold to any third parties. Due to the volume of e-mail activity, these messages are deleted after they are answered or completed.
The CSD Credit Union provides access to resources and other information on this webiste as a public service. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all electronic information made available is current, complete and accurate, the credit union does not warrant or represent that this information is current, complete and accurate. All information is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice.
The inclusion of, or linking to, other website URLs does not imply our endorsement of, nor responsibility for, those websites, but has been done as a convenience to our website visitors.